Net Promoter Score (NPS) Calculation: A Complete Guide [With Formula]

Here's all you need to know about measuring and calculating the Net Promoter Score. Learn more about 1Flow’s features and use cases for easier NPS calculation.

Did you know that 5% of customer loyalty contributes directly to 95% of the company's growth and revenue?

Several research-backed reports, including ‘The One Number You Need To Grow,’ say that customer loyalty is one of the most important drivers of growth and revenue.

These reports also show how companies with more loyal and referral-generating customers grow faster than their competitors.

That's why measuring and managing customer likelihood can yield great business profitability.

But how do you do that?

Deploy an efficient online calculator that measures, tracks, and analyzes the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for your business.

What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score is a key metric that indicates customer loyalty and satisfaction with a company, product, or brand. Based on the customer's experience, it calculates how likely the customer will recommend the product to a colleague or friend.

It is done by asking this simple survey question.

"How likely are you to recommend (product, service, or organization name) to a friend or a colleague?

Marketers often run an NPS survey that includes answering this simpler question and an open-ended follow-up question. This open-ended question intends to know the customer's experience and reasons behind the rating.

Collectively, this data is used to further categorize customers based on their choices and form a Net Promoter Score (NPS).

What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

How to Measure NPS?

The NPS measurement method involves surveys that ask a single key question, followed by an optional open-ended question for additional customer feedback.

You don't have to be a data analyst to measure NPS. As complicated as it sounds, it is the easiest calculation you will do in your job.

Follow these steps to measure NPS accurately:

1. Create NPS Survey

You can create an NPS Survey manually or using a tool like 1Flow. Using 1Flow is quick and easy due to its no-code survey launch feature. Deploy it with no technical assistance and hassle-free.

The survey will include an NPS question that determines the customer's likelihood to recommend your product on a scale of 0-10, where:

  • "0" is "Not at all likely."

  • "10" is "Most likely."

2. Distribute the survey 

When creating the survey, decide how to deliver it to your customers.

  • You can send it via email or in-app pop-up, but since email surveys have a very low response rate (1-3% average), the latter option is recommended by most professionals.

  • You can deploy tools like 1Flow to send in-app surveys and messages to customers as they interact with mobile apps, websites, and web apps.

3. Categorize Respondents

Based on the ratings, respondents are labeled under three categories.

0-6 in your NPS; Detractors

  • Detractors are unhappy customers unlikely to recommend your product.

  • Negative experiences result in higher detractor percentages.

  • Unsatisfied customers may also leave negative feedback for your company.

7-8 in your NPS; Passive

  • These customers are satisfied with your product, but they wouldn't actively recommend your brand.

  • After putting some calculated efforts and improvements in the product, these can be easily converted into promoters.

9-10 in your NPS; Promoters

  • These are the highly satisfied customers who stay loyal to your company.

  • They are most likely to recommend your product among their groups.

4. Calculate the Percentage of Each Group

Calculate the percentage of respondents in each category.

For example, if you had 100 respondents, where

  • Promoters = 60

  • Passives = 20

  • Detractors = 20

You would have 60% promoters, 20% passives, and 20% detractors.

Now, compile all the data and calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS).

How to Calculate NPS and What is the Formula?

After compiling the data, NPS calculation is pretty straightforward. You just have to fit your data in the Net Promoter Score formula. To calculate it, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Here’s the basic formula to calculate NPS:

Net Promoter Score = (Percentage of Promoters) - (Percentage of Detractors)

NPS Calculation for B2B

Let’s say you were a B2B company offering database and cloud services to businesses. You sent a survey to your business clients and received the following responses from 100 clients:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 60 clients

  • Passives (score 7-8): 20 clients

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 clients

So, to calculate NPS:

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (60% - 20%)

NPS = 40

In this case, your NPS is 40.

According to McKinsey, CX (customer experience) ratings are consistently higher in B2C than in B2B. Due to this, B2B executives have to work harder to have loyal customers.

NPS Calculation for B2C

Now, let's consider a B2C scenario where you're a retail company surveying your retail customer base, and you receive the following responses from 200 customers:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 150 customers

  • Passives (score 7-8): 30 customers

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 customers

To calculate the Net Promoter Score,

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (150/200 * 100) - (20/200 * 100)

NPS = (75%) - (10%)

NPS = 65

In this B2C example, your NPS is 65.

And to conclude,

Greater customer loyalty = High NPS = High Revenue

Why Do Net Promoter Score Surveys Matter?

Walt Disney once said, "Do what you do so well that they want to see it again and bring their friends." Isn’t that the most appropriate explanation for why NPS matters?

Fred Reichheld created the Net Promoter Score to help companies earn customer loyalty by improving customer experience and increasing CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).

But why did he seek out NPS when other companies already used the traditional approach of categorizing customer experience as ‘satisfied, very satisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?’

Because the traditional approach meant:

  • A low response rate

  • Inaccurate and unreliable results

  • An ambiguous interpretation of responses

However, with NPS surveys, especially via 1Flow, you achieve accuracy and qualitative results through targeted feedback collection initiatives. Let's dive deeper into why NPS surveys are so essential.

1. They Provide Revenue-Generating Insights

NPS can save you and make you thousands of dollars. Here's how:

Industries and companies are becoming more competitive each day, and to survive in this competitive era, you need to have a differentiator.

A high NPS can be a differentiator for your company. Over time, improving customer experience can generate a high NPS, which in turn can reduce customer churn and loss of revenue.

For example, Dell, at one point, had 15% of its customers classified as NPS Detractors, leading to a substantial $68 million loss in revenue. According to calculations from Bain & Company, if Dell had managed to convert only 2-8% of these Detractors into Promoters, the company's annual revenue could have increased by $167 million.

2. They Ensure Higher Customer Satisfaction and Business Growth

NPS is the easiest solution that yields faster results for your customers. Since NPS also asks for the cause of the rating, you can analyze the reason behind the score.

If you want to yield sustainable business growth, providing customer-oriented service/products is the way.

And how do you do it?

NPS offers actionable feedback, easily converted into proactive and customer-oriented strategies. After collecting the responses, you can immediately address underlying issues and make the customers happy. Using these strategies, you can easily develop your product potential to sell the solution your customers need.

Here’s the proof:

The Philips Lighting team conducted an analysis, associating variations in NPS on the account level with changes in annual revenue. The findings revealed that accounts witnessing a rise in their NPS enjoyed an average revenue increase of 70%, whereas those encountering an NPS decline experienced a 24% reduction in revenue.


How to Analyze and Use Your NPS?

Net Promoter Score campaign is more than just figuring out a number. It’s about analyzing and using the actionable feedback generated from qualitative data.

After calculating your score and ranking your product accordingly, what's the next step?

Answer: Analysis.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Decide Your Sample Size

Make sure you have enough data to analyze. You should at least aim for 100 responses for result accuracy.

If you struggle to achieve the number, engage with the right NPS software and tools, such as 1Flow, to reach the maximum number of customers.

2. Segment Respondents

Segment the raw data into three categories: detractors, passives, and promoters. For instance, with 1Flow’s NPS survey reports, segmenting the responses gets way easier! You get an eagle-eyed view of what your promotors and detractors say about your product.

For a larger dataset, you can further categorize them into gender, demographics, etc.

3. Interpret NPS Data

Once you're done calculating the Net Promoter Score:

  • Determine the score as good or bad.

  • Analyze qualitative data to collect actionable insights.

According to Bain & Company, Inc., a Net Promoter Score of:

  • 20> = favorable

  • 50> = excellent

  • 80> = world-class

4. Find the Right Survey Channels

Usually, NPS campaigns are conducted through the following channels:

  • In-App or In-Product Survey

  • Social Media Survey

  • Text Surveys

  • Email

If investing in a survey tool, you can easily determine which survey channel works best via NPS analysis.

Linking NPS Response To Customer Data

Let's discuss deploying NPS responses over and above the NPS score. 

Customer Tenure

Using this indicator, we can determine customer retention with the product, service, or organization. In simpler terms, you can determine how long the respondent has been a customer. 

You can also understand the behavioral differences between long-term and new customers.

Customer Purchase History and Tier

A customer's purchase history determines how your customer's opinion differs about your company with different purchases or products. 

Using this metric, you can also identify trends and insights related to customer loyalty and satisfaction across different customer segments.

Customer Demographics

This answers the question, "What kind of customers like your service the most?"

It's useful for building target audience personas and mapping out opportunities in your addressable markets. 

Why Should Mobile Apps, SaaS, and Websites Leverage NPS?

Whether through a mobile app, SaaS, or website, NPS helps solidify long-term customer relationships. It reflects how likely users are to promote your platform, which is crucial for organic growth.

Amplify Positive Word-of-Mouth

Users who praise your digital platform become advocates, and their recommendations are powerful endorsements that can enhance your credibility and attract new users.

Elevate User Experience

For mobile apps and websites, NPS feedback is crucial to iterate and improve upon the user interface and functionality, ensuring that the user experience is continuously optimized.

Prioritize Development Goals

NPS informs which features and updates are most desired by your users, helping to align your development priorities with user expectations across all digital platforms.

Identify and Resolve Issues

NPS surveys can uncover specific issues within mobile apps or websites that may impact user satisfaction, allowing you to address these problems promptly.

Time Your NPS Survey

Knowing when to request NPS feedback is as important as the feedback itself. For mobile apps, it could be after a user has experienced a new feature. For websites, it might be after meaningful engagement with content. Analyzing these optimal moments is crucial for obtaining relevant and actionable feedback.

How to Tailor Your NPS Surveys for Different Platforms?

Tailoring your Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys for different platforms requires a nuanced approach that takes into account the unique user experiences and interaction points of each platform. 

Transactional NPS Surveys

These are vital for capturing immediate user sentiment after specific interactions across all platforms, whether after a support ticket is resolved or post-engagement with a new app update.

Relationship NPS Surveys

For a more holistic view of user satisfaction, relationship NPS surveys are essential. They should be dispatched when the user has interacted substantially with your platform, ensuring the feedback is based on a thorough user experience.

Here’s how you can customize your NPS surveys for mobile apps, SaaS, and websites:

For Mobile Apps

  • Incorporate In-App Triggers: Utilize in-app events to trigger surveys, such as after a user completes a level, purchases, or uses a key feature.

  • Optimize for Mobile Viewing: Ensure your survey is mobile-friendly with responsive design elements that make it easy to complete on a small screen.

  • Leverage Push Notifications: Use push notifications judiciously to ask for NPS feedback at reasonable times, such as after a positive app update or significant milestone.

For SaaS

  • Integrate with User Milestones: Trigger surveys after users have experienced the core value of your SaaS, such as after they have successfully completed a project or reached a usage milestone.

  • Use Email Campaigns: Send NPS surveys via email after specific interactions, like customer support tickets, but be mindful of survey fatigue.

  • Personalize the Survey Experience: Customize the survey to reflect the user’s interaction with your SaaS, such as referencing the features they use most.

For Websites

  • Time Surveys After Meaningful Interactions: Deploy surveys after users have spent a significant amount of time on your site or have completed a key action, like a download or a sign-up.

  • Embed Surveys Seamlessly: Integrate surveys naturally within the website experience, such as a slide-out survey on the side of the page or a subtle overlay.

  • Adapt to User Behavior: Use behavior analytics to trigger surveys based on user actions, like returning to a page multiple times or completing a purchase.

NPS Surveys for Actionable Customer Feedback with 1Flow

Generating actionable feedback from NPS Surveys can be tricky when done manually. From nurturing user experience and maintaining brand details to asking the right survey questions, everything matters.

Hence, you must deploy NPS survey tools like 1Flow to:

Target the Right Users at the Right Time

1Flow offers a pre-built reporting and analytical tool dashboard for monitoring user behavior and campaign performance. Using 1Flow dashboards, you can trigger specific flows, messages, or interactions to appear at precisely the right moment. 

With a 10x better response rate of 38% on average, 1Flow’s in-product NPS surveys outclass others. 

Rapid User Feedback on Product Updates

Make your NPS surveys visually appealing with images and videos. 1Flow’s embedding features let you:

  • Demonstrate visual snippets of upcoming product features

  • Announce feature updates based on the usage data

  • Promote offers across relevant user profiles

Ultimately, captivating users with visual delights ensures quick responses to your NPS surveys, resulting in rapid data collection.

Sync NPS Survey Data with Your Tech Stack

Integrate 1Flow with 12+ tools and software, including HubSpot CRM and Segment Customer Data Platform, to leverage your database better.

With tons of meaningful user data at your disposal, there’s a greater purpose that awaits — the need to push data sets into and out of 1Flow. 

Get the Best NPS Survey Templates with 1Flow

Integrating NPS into your product development isn't just a smart move; it's a game-changer. It helps you refine your roadmap, concentrate on what your customers really want, and make your product stand out in a crowded market.

Using NPS in your post-interaction communications is a great way to give your customers a voice.

They can share their experiences directly, and you get the chance to tackle any issues quickly. 

With 1Flow, measuring your NPS is a breeze – right within your app. This means gathering valuable customer insights, in real time without any hassle.

1Flow is tailor-made for product managers, growth marketeers and user researchers like you, focusing on simplicity and user-friendliness. You do not need any technical know-how to design or deploy 1Flow NPS surveys. 

Provide a rating scale to your users.

Get to know them better.

Seek their feedback on customer service experience using emojis.

Make them type their responses to delve deeper into their expectations.

Simply ask for a star rating.

Loved what you saw?

Take your NPS game to the next level. Sign up for 1Flow today and witness the transformation in your customer experience and business success.

Did you know that 5% of customer loyalty contributes directly to 95% of the company's growth and revenue?

Several research-backed reports, including ‘The One Number You Need To Grow,’ say that customer loyalty is one of the most important drivers of growth and revenue.

These reports also show how companies with more loyal and referral-generating customers grow faster than their competitors.

That's why measuring and managing customer likelihood can yield great business profitability.

But how do you do that?

Deploy an efficient online calculator that measures, tracks, and analyzes the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for your business.

What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score is a key metric that indicates customer loyalty and satisfaction with a company, product, or brand. Based on the customer's experience, it calculates how likely the customer will recommend the product to a colleague or friend.

It is done by asking this simple survey question.

"How likely are you to recommend (product, service, or organization name) to a friend or a colleague?

Marketers often run an NPS survey that includes answering this simpler question and an open-ended follow-up question. This open-ended question intends to know the customer's experience and reasons behind the rating.

Collectively, this data is used to further categorize customers based on their choices and form a Net Promoter Score (NPS).

What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

How to Measure NPS?

The NPS measurement method involves surveys that ask a single key question, followed by an optional open-ended question for additional customer feedback.

You don't have to be a data analyst to measure NPS. As complicated as it sounds, it is the easiest calculation you will do in your job.

Follow these steps to measure NPS accurately:

1. Create NPS Survey

You can create an NPS Survey manually or using a tool like 1Flow. Using 1Flow is quick and easy due to its no-code survey launch feature. Deploy it with no technical assistance and hassle-free.

The survey will include an NPS question that determines the customer's likelihood to recommend your product on a scale of 0-10, where:

  • "0" is "Not at all likely."

  • "10" is "Most likely."

2. Distribute the survey 

When creating the survey, decide how to deliver it to your customers.

  • You can send it via email or in-app pop-up, but since email surveys have a very low response rate (1-3% average), the latter option is recommended by most professionals.

  • You can deploy tools like 1Flow to send in-app surveys and messages to customers as they interact with mobile apps, websites, and web apps.

3. Categorize Respondents

Based on the ratings, respondents are labeled under three categories.

0-6 in your NPS; Detractors

  • Detractors are unhappy customers unlikely to recommend your product.

  • Negative experiences result in higher detractor percentages.

  • Unsatisfied customers may also leave negative feedback for your company.

7-8 in your NPS; Passive

  • These customers are satisfied with your product, but they wouldn't actively recommend your brand.

  • After putting some calculated efforts and improvements in the product, these can be easily converted into promoters.

9-10 in your NPS; Promoters

  • These are the highly satisfied customers who stay loyal to your company.

  • They are most likely to recommend your product among their groups.

4. Calculate the Percentage of Each Group

Calculate the percentage of respondents in each category.

For example, if you had 100 respondents, where

  • Promoters = 60

  • Passives = 20

  • Detractors = 20

You would have 60% promoters, 20% passives, and 20% detractors.

Now, compile all the data and calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS).

How to Calculate NPS and What is the Formula?

After compiling the data, NPS calculation is pretty straightforward. You just have to fit your data in the Net Promoter Score formula. To calculate it, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Here’s the basic formula to calculate NPS:

Net Promoter Score = (Percentage of Promoters) - (Percentage of Detractors)

NPS Calculation for B2B

Let’s say you were a B2B company offering database and cloud services to businesses. You sent a survey to your business clients and received the following responses from 100 clients:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 60 clients

  • Passives (score 7-8): 20 clients

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 clients

So, to calculate NPS:

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (60% - 20%)

NPS = 40

In this case, your NPS is 40.

According to McKinsey, CX (customer experience) ratings are consistently higher in B2C than in B2B. Due to this, B2B executives have to work harder to have loyal customers.

NPS Calculation for B2C

Now, let's consider a B2C scenario where you're a retail company surveying your retail customer base, and you receive the following responses from 200 customers:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 150 customers

  • Passives (score 7-8): 30 customers

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 customers

To calculate the Net Promoter Score,

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (150/200 * 100) - (20/200 * 100)

NPS = (75%) - (10%)

NPS = 65

In this B2C example, your NPS is 65.

And to conclude,

Greater customer loyalty = High NPS = High Revenue

Why Do Net Promoter Score Surveys Matter?

Walt Disney once said, "Do what you do so well that they want to see it again and bring their friends." Isn’t that the most appropriate explanation for why NPS matters?

Fred Reichheld created the Net Promoter Score to help companies earn customer loyalty by improving customer experience and increasing CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).

But why did he seek out NPS when other companies already used the traditional approach of categorizing customer experience as ‘satisfied, very satisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?’

Because the traditional approach meant:

  • A low response rate

  • Inaccurate and unreliable results

  • An ambiguous interpretation of responses

However, with NPS surveys, especially via 1Flow, you achieve accuracy and qualitative results through targeted feedback collection initiatives. Let's dive deeper into why NPS surveys are so essential.

1. They Provide Revenue-Generating Insights

NPS can save you and make you thousands of dollars. Here's how:

Industries and companies are becoming more competitive each day, and to survive in this competitive era, you need to have a differentiator.

A high NPS can be a differentiator for your company. Over time, improving customer experience can generate a high NPS, which in turn can reduce customer churn and loss of revenue.

For example, Dell, at one point, had 15% of its customers classified as NPS Detractors, leading to a substantial $68 million loss in revenue. According to calculations from Bain & Company, if Dell had managed to convert only 2-8% of these Detractors into Promoters, the company's annual revenue could have increased by $167 million.

2. They Ensure Higher Customer Satisfaction and Business Growth

NPS is the easiest solution that yields faster results for your customers. Since NPS also asks for the cause of the rating, you can analyze the reason behind the score.

If you want to yield sustainable business growth, providing customer-oriented service/products is the way.

And how do you do it?

NPS offers actionable feedback, easily converted into proactive and customer-oriented strategies. After collecting the responses, you can immediately address underlying issues and make the customers happy. Using these strategies, you can easily develop your product potential to sell the solution your customers need.

Here’s the proof:

The Philips Lighting team conducted an analysis, associating variations in NPS on the account level with changes in annual revenue. The findings revealed that accounts witnessing a rise in their NPS enjoyed an average revenue increase of 70%, whereas those encountering an NPS decline experienced a 24% reduction in revenue.


How to Analyze and Use Your NPS?

Net Promoter Score campaign is more than just figuring out a number. It’s about analyzing and using the actionable feedback generated from qualitative data.

After calculating your score and ranking your product accordingly, what's the next step?

Answer: Analysis.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Decide Your Sample Size

Make sure you have enough data to analyze. You should at least aim for 100 responses for result accuracy.

If you struggle to achieve the number, engage with the right NPS software and tools, such as 1Flow, to reach the maximum number of customers.

2. Segment Respondents

Segment the raw data into three categories: detractors, passives, and promoters. For instance, with 1Flow’s NPS survey reports, segmenting the responses gets way easier! You get an eagle-eyed view of what your promotors and detractors say about your product.

For a larger dataset, you can further categorize them into gender, demographics, etc.

3. Interpret NPS Data

Once you're done calculating the Net Promoter Score:

  • Determine the score as good or bad.

  • Analyze qualitative data to collect actionable insights.

According to Bain & Company, Inc., a Net Promoter Score of:

  • 20> = favorable

  • 50> = excellent

  • 80> = world-class

4. Find the Right Survey Channels

Usually, NPS campaigns are conducted through the following channels:

  • In-App or In-Product Survey

  • Social Media Survey

  • Text Surveys

  • Email

If investing in a survey tool, you can easily determine which survey channel works best via NPS analysis.

Linking NPS Response To Customer Data

Let's discuss deploying NPS responses over and above the NPS score. 

Customer Tenure

Using this indicator, we can determine customer retention with the product, service, or organization. In simpler terms, you can determine how long the respondent has been a customer. 

You can also understand the behavioral differences between long-term and new customers.

Customer Purchase History and Tier

A customer's purchase history determines how your customer's opinion differs about your company with different purchases or products. 

Using this metric, you can also identify trends and insights related to customer loyalty and satisfaction across different customer segments.

Customer Demographics

This answers the question, "What kind of customers like your service the most?"

It's useful for building target audience personas and mapping out opportunities in your addressable markets. 

Why Should Mobile Apps, SaaS, and Websites Leverage NPS?

Whether through a mobile app, SaaS, or website, NPS helps solidify long-term customer relationships. It reflects how likely users are to promote your platform, which is crucial for organic growth.

Amplify Positive Word-of-Mouth

Users who praise your digital platform become advocates, and their recommendations are powerful endorsements that can enhance your credibility and attract new users.

Elevate User Experience

For mobile apps and websites, NPS feedback is crucial to iterate and improve upon the user interface and functionality, ensuring that the user experience is continuously optimized.

Prioritize Development Goals

NPS informs which features and updates are most desired by your users, helping to align your development priorities with user expectations across all digital platforms.

Identify and Resolve Issues

NPS surveys can uncover specific issues within mobile apps or websites that may impact user satisfaction, allowing you to address these problems promptly.

Time Your NPS Survey

Knowing when to request NPS feedback is as important as the feedback itself. For mobile apps, it could be after a user has experienced a new feature. For websites, it might be after meaningful engagement with content. Analyzing these optimal moments is crucial for obtaining relevant and actionable feedback.

How to Tailor Your NPS Surveys for Different Platforms?

Tailoring your Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys for different platforms requires a nuanced approach that takes into account the unique user experiences and interaction points of each platform. 

Transactional NPS Surveys

These are vital for capturing immediate user sentiment after specific interactions across all platforms, whether after a support ticket is resolved or post-engagement with a new app update.

Relationship NPS Surveys

For a more holistic view of user satisfaction, relationship NPS surveys are essential. They should be dispatched when the user has interacted substantially with your platform, ensuring the feedback is based on a thorough user experience.

Here’s how you can customize your NPS surveys for mobile apps, SaaS, and websites:

For Mobile Apps

  • Incorporate In-App Triggers: Utilize in-app events to trigger surveys, such as after a user completes a level, purchases, or uses a key feature.

  • Optimize for Mobile Viewing: Ensure your survey is mobile-friendly with responsive design elements that make it easy to complete on a small screen.

  • Leverage Push Notifications: Use push notifications judiciously to ask for NPS feedback at reasonable times, such as after a positive app update or significant milestone.

For SaaS

  • Integrate with User Milestones: Trigger surveys after users have experienced the core value of your SaaS, such as after they have successfully completed a project or reached a usage milestone.

  • Use Email Campaigns: Send NPS surveys via email after specific interactions, like customer support tickets, but be mindful of survey fatigue.

  • Personalize the Survey Experience: Customize the survey to reflect the user’s interaction with your SaaS, such as referencing the features they use most.

For Websites

  • Time Surveys After Meaningful Interactions: Deploy surveys after users have spent a significant amount of time on your site or have completed a key action, like a download or a sign-up.

  • Embed Surveys Seamlessly: Integrate surveys naturally within the website experience, such as a slide-out survey on the side of the page or a subtle overlay.

  • Adapt to User Behavior: Use behavior analytics to trigger surveys based on user actions, like returning to a page multiple times or completing a purchase.

NPS Surveys for Actionable Customer Feedback with 1Flow

Generating actionable feedback from NPS Surveys can be tricky when done manually. From nurturing user experience and maintaining brand details to asking the right survey questions, everything matters.

Hence, you must deploy NPS survey tools like 1Flow to:

Target the Right Users at the Right Time

1Flow offers a pre-built reporting and analytical tool dashboard for monitoring user behavior and campaign performance. Using 1Flow dashboards, you can trigger specific flows, messages, or interactions to appear at precisely the right moment. 

With a 10x better response rate of 38% on average, 1Flow’s in-product NPS surveys outclass others. 

Rapid User Feedback on Product Updates

Make your NPS surveys visually appealing with images and videos. 1Flow’s embedding features let you:

  • Demonstrate visual snippets of upcoming product features

  • Announce feature updates based on the usage data

  • Promote offers across relevant user profiles

Ultimately, captivating users with visual delights ensures quick responses to your NPS surveys, resulting in rapid data collection.

Sync NPS Survey Data with Your Tech Stack

Integrate 1Flow with 12+ tools and software, including HubSpot CRM and Segment Customer Data Platform, to leverage your database better.

With tons of meaningful user data at your disposal, there’s a greater purpose that awaits — the need to push data sets into and out of 1Flow. 

Get the Best NPS Survey Templates with 1Flow

Integrating NPS into your product development isn't just a smart move; it's a game-changer. It helps you refine your roadmap, concentrate on what your customers really want, and make your product stand out in a crowded market.

Using NPS in your post-interaction communications is a great way to give your customers a voice.

They can share their experiences directly, and you get the chance to tackle any issues quickly. 

With 1Flow, measuring your NPS is a breeze – right within your app. This means gathering valuable customer insights, in real time without any hassle.

1Flow is tailor-made for product managers, growth marketeers and user researchers like you, focusing on simplicity and user-friendliness. You do not need any technical know-how to design or deploy 1Flow NPS surveys. 

Provide a rating scale to your users.

Get to know them better.

Seek their feedback on customer service experience using emojis.

Make them type their responses to delve deeper into their expectations.

Simply ask for a star rating.

Loved what you saw?

Take your NPS game to the next level. Sign up for 1Flow today and witness the transformation in your customer experience and business success.

Did you know that 5% of customer loyalty contributes directly to 95% of the company's growth and revenue?

Several research-backed reports, including ‘The One Number You Need To Grow,’ say that customer loyalty is one of the most important drivers of growth and revenue.

These reports also show how companies with more loyal and referral-generating customers grow faster than their competitors.

That's why measuring and managing customer likelihood can yield great business profitability.

But how do you do that?

Deploy an efficient online calculator that measures, tracks, and analyzes the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for your business.

What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score is a key metric that indicates customer loyalty and satisfaction with a company, product, or brand. Based on the customer's experience, it calculates how likely the customer will recommend the product to a colleague or friend.

It is done by asking this simple survey question.

"How likely are you to recommend (product, service, or organization name) to a friend or a colleague?

Marketers often run an NPS survey that includes answering this simpler question and an open-ended follow-up question. This open-ended question intends to know the customer's experience and reasons behind the rating.

Collectively, this data is used to further categorize customers based on their choices and form a Net Promoter Score (NPS).

What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

How to Measure NPS?

The NPS measurement method involves surveys that ask a single key question, followed by an optional open-ended question for additional customer feedback.

You don't have to be a data analyst to measure NPS. As complicated as it sounds, it is the easiest calculation you will do in your job.

Follow these steps to measure NPS accurately:

1. Create NPS Survey

You can create an NPS Survey manually or using a tool like 1Flow. Using 1Flow is quick and easy due to its no-code survey launch feature. Deploy it with no technical assistance and hassle-free.

The survey will include an NPS question that determines the customer's likelihood to recommend your product on a scale of 0-10, where:

  • "0" is "Not at all likely."

  • "10" is "Most likely."

2. Distribute the survey 

When creating the survey, decide how to deliver it to your customers.

  • You can send it via email or in-app pop-up, but since email surveys have a very low response rate (1-3% average), the latter option is recommended by most professionals.

  • You can deploy tools like 1Flow to send in-app surveys and messages to customers as they interact with mobile apps, websites, and web apps.

3. Categorize Respondents

Based on the ratings, respondents are labeled under three categories.

0-6 in your NPS; Detractors

  • Detractors are unhappy customers unlikely to recommend your product.

  • Negative experiences result in higher detractor percentages.

  • Unsatisfied customers may also leave negative feedback for your company.

7-8 in your NPS; Passive

  • These customers are satisfied with your product, but they wouldn't actively recommend your brand.

  • After putting some calculated efforts and improvements in the product, these can be easily converted into promoters.

9-10 in your NPS; Promoters

  • These are the highly satisfied customers who stay loyal to your company.

  • They are most likely to recommend your product among their groups.

4. Calculate the Percentage of Each Group

Calculate the percentage of respondents in each category.

For example, if you had 100 respondents, where

  • Promoters = 60

  • Passives = 20

  • Detractors = 20

You would have 60% promoters, 20% passives, and 20% detractors.

Now, compile all the data and calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS).

How to Calculate NPS and What is the Formula?

After compiling the data, NPS calculation is pretty straightforward. You just have to fit your data in the Net Promoter Score formula. To calculate it, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Here’s the basic formula to calculate NPS:

Net Promoter Score = (Percentage of Promoters) - (Percentage of Detractors)

NPS Calculation for B2B

Let’s say you were a B2B company offering database and cloud services to businesses. You sent a survey to your business clients and received the following responses from 100 clients:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 60 clients

  • Passives (score 7-8): 20 clients

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 clients

So, to calculate NPS:

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (60% - 20%)

NPS = 40

In this case, your NPS is 40.

According to McKinsey, CX (customer experience) ratings are consistently higher in B2C than in B2B. Due to this, B2B executives have to work harder to have loyal customers.

NPS Calculation for B2C

Now, let's consider a B2C scenario where you're a retail company surveying your retail customer base, and you receive the following responses from 200 customers:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 150 customers

  • Passives (score 7-8): 30 customers

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 customers

To calculate the Net Promoter Score,

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (150/200 * 100) - (20/200 * 100)

NPS = (75%) - (10%)

NPS = 65

In this B2C example, your NPS is 65.

And to conclude,

Greater customer loyalty = High NPS = High Revenue

Why Do Net Promoter Score Surveys Matter?

Walt Disney once said, "Do what you do so well that they want to see it again and bring their friends." Isn’t that the most appropriate explanation for why NPS matters?

Fred Reichheld created the Net Promoter Score to help companies earn customer loyalty by improving customer experience and increasing CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).

But why did he seek out NPS when other companies already used the traditional approach of categorizing customer experience as ‘satisfied, very satisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?’

Because the traditional approach meant:

  • A low response rate

  • Inaccurate and unreliable results

  • An ambiguous interpretation of responses

However, with NPS surveys, especially via 1Flow, you achieve accuracy and qualitative results through targeted feedback collection initiatives. Let's dive deeper into why NPS surveys are so essential.

1. They Provide Revenue-Generating Insights

NPS can save you and make you thousands of dollars. Here's how:

Industries and companies are becoming more competitive each day, and to survive in this competitive era, you need to have a differentiator.

A high NPS can be a differentiator for your company. Over time, improving customer experience can generate a high NPS, which in turn can reduce customer churn and loss of revenue.

For example, Dell, at one point, had 15% of its customers classified as NPS Detractors, leading to a substantial $68 million loss in revenue. According to calculations from Bain & Company, if Dell had managed to convert only 2-8% of these Detractors into Promoters, the company's annual revenue could have increased by $167 million.

2. They Ensure Higher Customer Satisfaction and Business Growth

NPS is the easiest solution that yields faster results for your customers. Since NPS also asks for the cause of the rating, you can analyze the reason behind the score.

If you want to yield sustainable business growth, providing customer-oriented service/products is the way.

And how do you do it?

NPS offers actionable feedback, easily converted into proactive and customer-oriented strategies. After collecting the responses, you can immediately address underlying issues and make the customers happy. Using these strategies, you can easily develop your product potential to sell the solution your customers need.

Here’s the proof:

The Philips Lighting team conducted an analysis, associating variations in NPS on the account level with changes in annual revenue. The findings revealed that accounts witnessing a rise in their NPS enjoyed an average revenue increase of 70%, whereas those encountering an NPS decline experienced a 24% reduction in revenue.


How to Analyze and Use Your NPS?

Net Promoter Score campaign is more than just figuring out a number. It’s about analyzing and using the actionable feedback generated from qualitative data.

After calculating your score and ranking your product accordingly, what's the next step?

Answer: Analysis.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Decide Your Sample Size

Make sure you have enough data to analyze. You should at least aim for 100 responses for result accuracy.

If you struggle to achieve the number, engage with the right NPS software and tools, such as 1Flow, to reach the maximum number of customers.

2. Segment Respondents

Segment the raw data into three categories: detractors, passives, and promoters. For instance, with 1Flow’s NPS survey reports, segmenting the responses gets way easier! You get an eagle-eyed view of what your promotors and detractors say about your product.

For a larger dataset, you can further categorize them into gender, demographics, etc.

3. Interpret NPS Data

Once you're done calculating the Net Promoter Score:

  • Determine the score as good or bad.

  • Analyze qualitative data to collect actionable insights.

According to Bain & Company, Inc., a Net Promoter Score of:

  • 20> = favorable

  • 50> = excellent

  • 80> = world-class

4. Find the Right Survey Channels

Usually, NPS campaigns are conducted through the following channels:

  • In-App or In-Product Survey

  • Social Media Survey

  • Text Surveys

  • Email

If investing in a survey tool, you can easily determine which survey channel works best via NPS analysis.

Linking NPS Response To Customer Data

Let's discuss deploying NPS responses over and above the NPS score. 

Customer Tenure

Using this indicator, we can determine customer retention with the product, service, or organization. In simpler terms, you can determine how long the respondent has been a customer. 

You can also understand the behavioral differences between long-term and new customers.

Customer Purchase History and Tier

A customer's purchase history determines how your customer's opinion differs about your company with different purchases or products. 

Using this metric, you can also identify trends and insights related to customer loyalty and satisfaction across different customer segments.

Customer Demographics

This answers the question, "What kind of customers like your service the most?"

It's useful for building target audience personas and mapping out opportunities in your addressable markets. 

Why Should Mobile Apps, SaaS, and Websites Leverage NPS?

Whether through a mobile app, SaaS, or website, NPS helps solidify long-term customer relationships. It reflects how likely users are to promote your platform, which is crucial for organic growth.

Amplify Positive Word-of-Mouth

Users who praise your digital platform become advocates, and their recommendations are powerful endorsements that can enhance your credibility and attract new users.

Elevate User Experience

For mobile apps and websites, NPS feedback is crucial to iterate and improve upon the user interface and functionality, ensuring that the user experience is continuously optimized.

Prioritize Development Goals

NPS informs which features and updates are most desired by your users, helping to align your development priorities with user expectations across all digital platforms.

Identify and Resolve Issues

NPS surveys can uncover specific issues within mobile apps or websites that may impact user satisfaction, allowing you to address these problems promptly.

Time Your NPS Survey

Knowing when to request NPS feedback is as important as the feedback itself. For mobile apps, it could be after a user has experienced a new feature. For websites, it might be after meaningful engagement with content. Analyzing these optimal moments is crucial for obtaining relevant and actionable feedback.

How to Tailor Your NPS Surveys for Different Platforms?

Tailoring your Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys for different platforms requires a nuanced approach that takes into account the unique user experiences and interaction points of each platform. 

Transactional NPS Surveys

These are vital for capturing immediate user sentiment after specific interactions across all platforms, whether after a support ticket is resolved or post-engagement with a new app update.

Relationship NPS Surveys

For a more holistic view of user satisfaction, relationship NPS surveys are essential. They should be dispatched when the user has interacted substantially with your platform, ensuring the feedback is based on a thorough user experience.

Here’s how you can customize your NPS surveys for mobile apps, SaaS, and websites:

For Mobile Apps

  • Incorporate In-App Triggers: Utilize in-app events to trigger surveys, such as after a user completes a level, purchases, or uses a key feature.

  • Optimize for Mobile Viewing: Ensure your survey is mobile-friendly with responsive design elements that make it easy to complete on a small screen.

  • Leverage Push Notifications: Use push notifications judiciously to ask for NPS feedback at reasonable times, such as after a positive app update or significant milestone.

For SaaS

  • Integrate with User Milestones: Trigger surveys after users have experienced the core value of your SaaS, such as after they have successfully completed a project or reached a usage milestone.

  • Use Email Campaigns: Send NPS surveys via email after specific interactions, like customer support tickets, but be mindful of survey fatigue.

  • Personalize the Survey Experience: Customize the survey to reflect the user’s interaction with your SaaS, such as referencing the features they use most.

For Websites

  • Time Surveys After Meaningful Interactions: Deploy surveys after users have spent a significant amount of time on your site or have completed a key action, like a download or a sign-up.

  • Embed Surveys Seamlessly: Integrate surveys naturally within the website experience, such as a slide-out survey on the side of the page or a subtle overlay.

  • Adapt to User Behavior: Use behavior analytics to trigger surveys based on user actions, like returning to a page multiple times or completing a purchase.

NPS Surveys for Actionable Customer Feedback with 1Flow

Generating actionable feedback from NPS Surveys can be tricky when done manually. From nurturing user experience and maintaining brand details to asking the right survey questions, everything matters.

Hence, you must deploy NPS survey tools like 1Flow to:

Target the Right Users at the Right Time

1Flow offers a pre-built reporting and analytical tool dashboard for monitoring user behavior and campaign performance. Using 1Flow dashboards, you can trigger specific flows, messages, or interactions to appear at precisely the right moment. 

With a 10x better response rate of 38% on average, 1Flow’s in-product NPS surveys outclass others. 

Rapid User Feedback on Product Updates

Make your NPS surveys visually appealing with images and videos. 1Flow’s embedding features let you:

  • Demonstrate visual snippets of upcoming product features

  • Announce feature updates based on the usage data

  • Promote offers across relevant user profiles

Ultimately, captivating users with visual delights ensures quick responses to your NPS surveys, resulting in rapid data collection.

Sync NPS Survey Data with Your Tech Stack

Integrate 1Flow with 12+ tools and software, including HubSpot CRM and Segment Customer Data Platform, to leverage your database better.

With tons of meaningful user data at your disposal, there’s a greater purpose that awaits — the need to push data sets into and out of 1Flow. 

Get the Best NPS Survey Templates with 1Flow

Integrating NPS into your product development isn't just a smart move; it's a game-changer. It helps you refine your roadmap, concentrate on what your customers really want, and make your product stand out in a crowded market.

Using NPS in your post-interaction communications is a great way to give your customers a voice.

They can share their experiences directly, and you get the chance to tackle any issues quickly. 

With 1Flow, measuring your NPS is a breeze – right within your app. This means gathering valuable customer insights, in real time without any hassle.

1Flow is tailor-made for product managers, growth marketeers and user researchers like you, focusing on simplicity and user-friendliness. You do not need any technical know-how to design or deploy 1Flow NPS surveys. 

Provide a rating scale to your users.

Get to know them better.

Seek their feedback on customer service experience using emojis.

Make them type their responses to delve deeper into their expectations.

Simply ask for a star rating.

Loved what you saw?

Take your NPS game to the next level. Sign up for 1Flow today and witness the transformation in your customer experience and business success.

Did you know that 5% of customer loyalty contributes directly to 95% of the company's growth and revenue?

Several research-backed reports, including ‘The One Number You Need To Grow,’ say that customer loyalty is one of the most important drivers of growth and revenue.

These reports also show how companies with more loyal and referral-generating customers grow faster than their competitors.

That's why measuring and managing customer likelihood can yield great business profitability.

But how do you do that?

Deploy an efficient online calculator that measures, tracks, and analyzes the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for your business.

What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score is a key metric that indicates customer loyalty and satisfaction with a company, product, or brand. Based on the customer's experience, it calculates how likely the customer will recommend the product to a colleague or friend.

It is done by asking this simple survey question.

"How likely are you to recommend (product, service, or organization name) to a friend or a colleague?

Marketers often run an NPS survey that includes answering this simpler question and an open-ended follow-up question. This open-ended question intends to know the customer's experience and reasons behind the rating.

Collectively, this data is used to further categorize customers based on their choices and form a Net Promoter Score (NPS).

What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

How to Measure NPS?

The NPS measurement method involves surveys that ask a single key question, followed by an optional open-ended question for additional customer feedback.

You don't have to be a data analyst to measure NPS. As complicated as it sounds, it is the easiest calculation you will do in your job.

Follow these steps to measure NPS accurately:

1. Create NPS Survey

You can create an NPS Survey manually or using a tool like 1Flow. Using 1Flow is quick and easy due to its no-code survey launch feature. Deploy it with no technical assistance and hassle-free.

The survey will include an NPS question that determines the customer's likelihood to recommend your product on a scale of 0-10, where:

  • "0" is "Not at all likely."

  • "10" is "Most likely."

2. Distribute the survey 

When creating the survey, decide how to deliver it to your customers.

  • You can send it via email or in-app pop-up, but since email surveys have a very low response rate (1-3% average), the latter option is recommended by most professionals.

  • You can deploy tools like 1Flow to send in-app surveys and messages to customers as they interact with mobile apps, websites, and web apps.

3. Categorize Respondents

Based on the ratings, respondents are labeled under three categories.

0-6 in your NPS; Detractors

  • Detractors are unhappy customers unlikely to recommend your product.

  • Negative experiences result in higher detractor percentages.

  • Unsatisfied customers may also leave negative feedback for your company.

7-8 in your NPS; Passive

  • These customers are satisfied with your product, but they wouldn't actively recommend your brand.

  • After putting some calculated efforts and improvements in the product, these can be easily converted into promoters.

9-10 in your NPS; Promoters

  • These are the highly satisfied customers who stay loyal to your company.

  • They are most likely to recommend your product among their groups.

4. Calculate the Percentage of Each Group

Calculate the percentage of respondents in each category.

For example, if you had 100 respondents, where

  • Promoters = 60

  • Passives = 20

  • Detractors = 20

You would have 60% promoters, 20% passives, and 20% detractors.

Now, compile all the data and calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS).

How to Calculate NPS and What is the Formula?

After compiling the data, NPS calculation is pretty straightforward. You just have to fit your data in the Net Promoter Score formula. To calculate it, subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Here’s the basic formula to calculate NPS:

Net Promoter Score = (Percentage of Promoters) - (Percentage of Detractors)

NPS Calculation for B2B

Let’s say you were a B2B company offering database and cloud services to businesses. You sent a survey to your business clients and received the following responses from 100 clients:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 60 clients

  • Passives (score 7-8): 20 clients

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 clients

So, to calculate NPS:

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (60% - 20%)

NPS = 40

In this case, your NPS is 40.

According to McKinsey, CX (customer experience) ratings are consistently higher in B2C than in B2B. Due to this, B2B executives have to work harder to have loyal customers.

NPS Calculation for B2C

Now, let's consider a B2C scenario where you're a retail company surveying your retail customer base, and you receive the following responses from 200 customers:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): 150 customers

  • Passives (score 7-8): 30 customers

  • Detractors (score 0-6): 20 customers

To calculate the Net Promoter Score,

NPS = (% Promoters) - (% Detractors)

NPS = (150/200 * 100) - (20/200 * 100)

NPS = (75%) - (10%)

NPS = 65

In this B2C example, your NPS is 65.

And to conclude,

Greater customer loyalty = High NPS = High Revenue

Why Do Net Promoter Score Surveys Matter?

Walt Disney once said, "Do what you do so well that they want to see it again and bring their friends." Isn’t that the most appropriate explanation for why NPS matters?

Fred Reichheld created the Net Promoter Score to help companies earn customer loyalty by improving customer experience and increasing CLV (Customer Lifetime Value).

But why did he seek out NPS when other companies already used the traditional approach of categorizing customer experience as ‘satisfied, very satisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?’

Because the traditional approach meant:

  • A low response rate

  • Inaccurate and unreliable results

  • An ambiguous interpretation of responses

However, with NPS surveys, especially via 1Flow, you achieve accuracy and qualitative results through targeted feedback collection initiatives. Let's dive deeper into why NPS surveys are so essential.

1. They Provide Revenue-Generating Insights

NPS can save you and make you thousands of dollars. Here's how:

Industries and companies are becoming more competitive each day, and to survive in this competitive era, you need to have a differentiator.

A high NPS can be a differentiator for your company. Over time, improving customer experience can generate a high NPS, which in turn can reduce customer churn and loss of revenue.

For example, Dell, at one point, had 15% of its customers classified as NPS Detractors, leading to a substantial $68 million loss in revenue. According to calculations from Bain & Company, if Dell had managed to convert only 2-8% of these Detractors into Promoters, the company's annual revenue could have increased by $167 million.

2. They Ensure Higher Customer Satisfaction and Business Growth

NPS is the easiest solution that yields faster results for your customers. Since NPS also asks for the cause of the rating, you can analyze the reason behind the score.

If you want to yield sustainable business growth, providing customer-oriented service/products is the way.

And how do you do it?

NPS offers actionable feedback, easily converted into proactive and customer-oriented strategies. After collecting the responses, you can immediately address underlying issues and make the customers happy. Using these strategies, you can easily develop your product potential to sell the solution your customers need.

Here’s the proof:

The Philips Lighting team conducted an analysis, associating variations in NPS on the account level with changes in annual revenue. The findings revealed that accounts witnessing a rise in their NPS enjoyed an average revenue increase of 70%, whereas those encountering an NPS decline experienced a 24% reduction in revenue.


How to Analyze and Use Your NPS?

Net Promoter Score campaign is more than just figuring out a number. It’s about analyzing and using the actionable feedback generated from qualitative data.

After calculating your score and ranking your product accordingly, what's the next step?

Answer: Analysis.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Decide Your Sample Size

Make sure you have enough data to analyze. You should at least aim for 100 responses for result accuracy.

If you struggle to achieve the number, engage with the right NPS software and tools, such as 1Flow, to reach the maximum number of customers.

2. Segment Respondents

Segment the raw data into three categories: detractors, passives, and promoters. For instance, with 1Flow’s NPS survey reports, segmenting the responses gets way easier! You get an eagle-eyed view of what your promotors and detractors say about your product.

For a larger dataset, you can further categorize them into gender, demographics, etc.

3. Interpret NPS Data

Once you're done calculating the Net Promoter Score:

  • Determine the score as good or bad.

  • Analyze qualitative data to collect actionable insights.

According to Bain & Company, Inc., a Net Promoter Score of:

  • 20> = favorable

  • 50> = excellent

  • 80> = world-class

4. Find the Right Survey Channels

Usually, NPS campaigns are conducted through the following channels:

  • In-App or In-Product Survey

  • Social Media Survey

  • Text Surveys

  • Email

If investing in a survey tool, you can easily determine which survey channel works best via NPS analysis.

Linking NPS Response To Customer Data

Let's discuss deploying NPS responses over and above the NPS score. 

Customer Tenure

Using this indicator, we can determine customer retention with the product, service, or organization. In simpler terms, you can determine how long the respondent has been a customer. 

You can also understand the behavioral differences between long-term and new customers.

Customer Purchase History and Tier

A customer's purchase history determines how your customer's opinion differs about your company with different purchases or products. 

Using this metric, you can also identify trends and insights related to customer loyalty and satisfaction across different customer segments.

Customer Demographics

This answers the question, "What kind of customers like your service the most?"

It's useful for building target audience personas and mapping out opportunities in your addressable markets. 

Why Should Mobile Apps, SaaS, and Websites Leverage NPS?

Whether through a mobile app, SaaS, or website, NPS helps solidify long-term customer relationships. It reflects how likely users are to promote your platform, which is crucial for organic growth.

Amplify Positive Word-of-Mouth

Users who praise your digital platform become advocates, and their recommendations are powerful endorsements that can enhance your credibility and attract new users.

Elevate User Experience

For mobile apps and websites, NPS feedback is crucial to iterate and improve upon the user interface and functionality, ensuring that the user experience is continuously optimized.

Prioritize Development Goals

NPS informs which features and updates are most desired by your users, helping to align your development priorities with user expectations across all digital platforms.

Identify and Resolve Issues

NPS surveys can uncover specific issues within mobile apps or websites that may impact user satisfaction, allowing you to address these problems promptly.

Time Your NPS Survey

Knowing when to request NPS feedback is as important as the feedback itself. For mobile apps, it could be after a user has experienced a new feature. For websites, it might be after meaningful engagement with content. Analyzing these optimal moments is crucial for obtaining relevant and actionable feedback.

How to Tailor Your NPS Surveys for Different Platforms?

Tailoring your Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys for different platforms requires a nuanced approach that takes into account the unique user experiences and interaction points of each platform. 

Transactional NPS Surveys

These are vital for capturing immediate user sentiment after specific interactions across all platforms, whether after a support ticket is resolved or post-engagement with a new app update.

Relationship NPS Surveys

For a more holistic view of user satisfaction, relationship NPS surveys are essential. They should be dispatched when the user has interacted substantially with your platform, ensuring the feedback is based on a thorough user experience.

Here’s how you can customize your NPS surveys for mobile apps, SaaS, and websites:

For Mobile Apps

  • Incorporate In-App Triggers: Utilize in-app events to trigger surveys, such as after a user completes a level, purchases, or uses a key feature.

  • Optimize for Mobile Viewing: Ensure your survey is mobile-friendly with responsive design elements that make it easy to complete on a small screen.

  • Leverage Push Notifications: Use push notifications judiciously to ask for NPS feedback at reasonable times, such as after a positive app update or significant milestone.

For SaaS

  • Integrate with User Milestones: Trigger surveys after users have experienced the core value of your SaaS, such as after they have successfully completed a project or reached a usage milestone.

  • Use Email Campaigns: Send NPS surveys via email after specific interactions, like customer support tickets, but be mindful of survey fatigue.

  • Personalize the Survey Experience: Customize the survey to reflect the user’s interaction with your SaaS, such as referencing the features they use most.

For Websites

  • Time Surveys After Meaningful Interactions: Deploy surveys after users have spent a significant amount of time on your site or have completed a key action, like a download or a sign-up.

  • Embed Surveys Seamlessly: Integrate surveys naturally within the website experience, such as a slide-out survey on the side of the page or a subtle overlay.

  • Adapt to User Behavior: Use behavior analytics to trigger surveys based on user actions, like returning to a page multiple times or completing a purchase.

NPS Surveys for Actionable Customer Feedback with 1Flow

Generating actionable feedback from NPS Surveys can be tricky when done manually. From nurturing user experience and maintaining brand details to asking the right survey questions, everything matters.

Hence, you must deploy NPS survey tools like 1Flow to:

Target the Right Users at the Right Time

1Flow offers a pre-built reporting and analytical tool dashboard for monitoring user behavior and campaign performance. Using 1Flow dashboards, you can trigger specific flows, messages, or interactions to appear at precisely the right moment. 

With a 10x better response rate of 38% on average, 1Flow’s in-product NPS surveys outclass others. 

Rapid User Feedback on Product Updates

Make your NPS surveys visually appealing with images and videos. 1Flow’s embedding features let you:

  • Demonstrate visual snippets of upcoming product features

  • Announce feature updates based on the usage data

  • Promote offers across relevant user profiles

Ultimately, captivating users with visual delights ensures quick responses to your NPS surveys, resulting in rapid data collection.

Sync NPS Survey Data with Your Tech Stack

Integrate 1Flow with 12+ tools and software, including HubSpot CRM and Segment Customer Data Platform, to leverage your database better.

With tons of meaningful user data at your disposal, there’s a greater purpose that awaits — the need to push data sets into and out of 1Flow. 

Get the Best NPS Survey Templates with 1Flow

Integrating NPS into your product development isn't just a smart move; it's a game-changer. It helps you refine your roadmap, concentrate on what your customers really want, and make your product stand out in a crowded market.

Using NPS in your post-interaction communications is a great way to give your customers a voice.

They can share their experiences directly, and you get the chance to tackle any issues quickly. 

With 1Flow, measuring your NPS is a breeze – right within your app. This means gathering valuable customer insights, in real time without any hassle.

1Flow is tailor-made for product managers, growth marketeers and user researchers like you, focusing on simplicity and user-friendliness. You do not need any technical know-how to design or deploy 1Flow NPS surveys. 

Provide a rating scale to your users.

Get to know them better.

Seek their feedback on customer service experience using emojis.

Make them type their responses to delve deeper into their expectations.

Simply ask for a star rating.

Loved what you saw?

Take your NPS game to the next level. Sign up for 1Flow today and witness the transformation in your customer experience and business success.

Get started with a free trial

We offer a 14-day unlimited use free trial - no credit card required.